
Fields of Operation


FILM&KINO supports the import, distribution and launching of films.

Art films and children’s films receive distribution support, so that such films may reach cinemas in a greater number of prints.

We provide Norwegian versions of children’s films and print support for especially popular films, enabling these to be released

in small, local cinemas while they are still new.

FILM&KINO contributes financial support to most Norwegian film festivals. FILM&KINO organises the Norwegian International Film Festival

in co-operation with the City of Haugesund. Furthermore, we provide advice and know-how concerning marketing and information,

cinema technology and technical matters for the other Norwegian festivals. FILM&KINO also publishes the film periodical Film & Kino,

the oldest in Norway, which contains articles about current films and important industry matters and trends.


FILM&KINO offers cinema related advice and guidance in a number of areas. A technical consultant assists our clients in

constructing cinemas of the highest possible standard. We arrange training courses for cinema employees in a wide range

of subjects, from marketing and information to economical and technical matters.

We organise special monthly screenings for cinema managers, enabling them to keep current on forthcoming films,

so that they can choose the films that are most suitable for their local cinemas.

We also support local cinema related events, strengthening the cinema as a cultural and social meeting place for the local community.

For example, FILM&KINO can support the making of special programmes of art films for the local cinema, animation workshops for

children or other special events to increase cinema attendance.

The Mobile Cinema is an arrangement in which FILM&KINO takes film prints, projectionists and projection equipment on the road,

travelling around the country to reach places where films are not regularly exhibited. With around 200 screening places and more

than 130 000 visitors, the Mobile Cinema is in fact one of the largest cinemas in Norway.

S-Kino is a FILM&KINO project offering packages of films and corresponding marketing material.

This is suitable for smaller places having cinemas with low attendance.

The purpose is to maintain film screenings in these vulnerable areas, saving local resources by programming

and managing the film repertoire as well as supporting local marketing.


FILM&KINO also supports the Norwegian video industry, including projects that will help the industry meet future competition.

The establishment of Customer Relations Management systems and training of employees are other prioritised areas.

S-Film is a project that supports the distribution of art films for children, young people and adults,

making a wide range of films available at the local video store.

FILM&KINO supports the Video Days and organises the Video Festival every year.

We also provide advice, contributing to the increase of know-how within the industry.

Assisting the member municipalities

FILM&KINO gives advice in areas like the construction and running of cinemas. We assist in matters of contract and licence, for both film and video. We liaise with the government on behalf of our member municipalities and support local cinema related events. We supply information about films suitable for screening in schools and make educational programmes for municipality employees and politicians.

Contact information:


Box 446 Sentrum, 0104 Oslo

Tel. 22 47 45 00, fax 22 47 46 98


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